Supporting tools for the integrated management of drinking water reservoirs contaminated by Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins

News & Events


World Water Week 2022

World Water Week 2022 takes place from 23 August to 1 September.  More than 300 sessions on the theme Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water.

World Water Week 2022

Uppsala University logo

Progress in testing machine learning methods for predicting algal blooms in Lake Erken

Bloowater project partner Uppsala University presented some of their progress in testing machine learning methods for predicting algal blooms in Lake Erken. 

They presented the work at the 2nd Workshop on Knowledge Guided Machine Learning (KGML2021), a three-day virtual workshop held on August 9-11, 2021

Pilot Plant view
PAF Pilot Plant view

PAF Pilot Plant by Università Politecnica delle Marche

UNIVPM, Bloowater partner, designed and implemented an innovative pilot to validate new technologies for water supply


Bloowater project on RAI News 24

An interview with Maria Sighicelli (ENEA, Italy), project coordinator of Bloowater at Futuro24 Ambiente a program broadcast on RaiNews24 Italian channel.

Interview to Maria Sighicelli (ENEA, Bloowater project coordinator)

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World Water Day 2021

On 22 March 2021, World Water Day by United Nation is a virtual event to celebrate water and raise awareness of the global water crisis.

This year the theme of World Water Day 2021 is valuing water.

What does water mean to you? 

Lern more about this very important topic  here 


Algal blooming in Lake Albano  on February 2021
Lake Albano: algal bloom shows off during water sampling

Sampling in Lake Albano

During one of the last water samplings in Lake Albano, the researchers working on the bloowater project were able to directly observe a copious flowering of Plankthotrix rubescens.

Go to the gallery to see more 

